
跑向我人生第一次的馬拉松 (三) - 英文版

近日,我工作的公司的 CEO 落了一指令給我,要我把參加馬拉松的故事和往績寫一篇故事,將會載錄在下一次集團的季報上。收到指令,但推不來,唯有我手寫我心,也借此同大家朋友分享,請多多指教! 很抱歉,這篇文章是以英文載錄。

My first marathon

Everyone has his/her reason why he/she starts the marathon running. The meaning of modern MARATHON is actually come from a Greek legend. Pheidippides, a Greek soldier at a town called Marathon was sent to Athens to announce that the Persians had been defeated in the Battle of Marathon. After his non-stopping running the whole distance and spread out the news, he burnt out and died. The distance is approximately 40Km. Nowadays, we normally use 42.195Km (26.22 miles) to be the full marathon race distance since its first official use at Olympics 1908 was happened in London.

At Hong Kong Standard Chartered Bank Marathon (HKSCBM) 2006, which was an international marathon running race, I was asked to take the photos at the Finished Point by my marathon friends. During a few hours of observation at the Starting Point and Finished Point, I was inspired by no. of marathon runners, especially those at their mid-age or even the elders. At that moment, I decided to try my first marathon.

Remember the time while I started my first jogging (can’t say it’s running), I felt extremely fast heart beating and hard breathing even just for three minutes. I even asked myself many many times and gave some excuses to quit. I wondered how come I set this tough goal for myself. Until one day, I watched a video at Youtube – Team Hoyt. I can’t find any more excuse myself to run away from my goal.

The video is talking about Dick Tout (67), a father and Rick (45), his son. They completed 78 half marathon, 64 full marathon in last 25 years (record till 2006). Rick was certified to be Persistent Vegetative State (PVS) since the moment he arrived at the earth. Doctors told Dick that Rick had to live at the wheel chair at his whole life….. If you want to know the whole story, you can access this link:

At HKSCBM 2007, I finished my first 10Km by 58 mins. At HKSCBM 2008, I finished my first half marathon (21.0975km) by 1 hour 50 mins. That’s my best time ever especially running cross several ups and downs the tunnel and flyovers. My result was placed at the 19th of my category. Before HKSCBM 2006, I had never thought I could train up to be a marathon runner in my life especially while I’m approaching to the mid-age. My running coach, LEE Kar Lun (52), always reminds us the meaning of marathon is to memorize the death of a Greek soldier but not to follow his result. For the Marathon, every runner has to start from zero every time and end up with his/her ultimate performance within the counted distance. How about HKSCB Full Maration 2009? I’ve to restart from the zero again and run for the Finished Point of my first full marathon. It won’t be ended up with the same as Pheidippides, for sure.

My running track record:
11/Feb/2007 Run for HK Diabetes 2007 10Km 0:56
4/Mar/2007 HKSCBM 2007 10Km 0:58
19/Apr/2007 1st running lesson with Coach
11/Nov/2007 NIKE 10Km Challenge 2007 10Km 0:52
2/Dec/2007 UNICEF Half Marathon 2007 21Km 1:56
6/Jan/2008 MUZUNO Half Marathon 2008 21Km 1:56
27/Jan/2008 Run for HK Diabetes 2008 10Km 0:50
17/Feb/2008 HKSCBM 2008 21Km 1:50
(Note: My Coach finished his 21Km by 1:18 and was the champion at his category)

… to be continued


跑向我人生第一次的馬拉松 (二)



今早,4時45分起床,5時45分出發往尖沙咀和朋友會合。半馬是7時從尖沙咀美麗華酒店對開起跑,先跑往葵涌再折返西隧,上落幾次天橋後以維園作終點。第一個 10公里時,時間為52分,也是我最好的成續,一路提醒自己要收放自如,集中調節自己的呼吸,到最後三公里,感覺自己好似抽離了自己身體一樣,叮囑自己既要集中又要放鬆,最後,自己好像用了自動波一樣跑向維園。


NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! 這也標示着距離我人生第一次的馬拉松(全馬)走近了一段。

(攝於2008年香港渣打馬拉松全馬比賽現場 - SOGO 隔離)


尼泊爾 - 境 (三)



究竟,是心隨境轉,還是境隨心轉,全是個人的感悟,也可能是個人的修為罷。到尼泊爾旅行,已經是兩個月前的事,雖然是短短的八天時間,很多畫面還是很深刻,我也樂意把這些 (心)境儲備下來,可以同朋友分享,又或者以備日後再回味。

以下照片全攝於尼泊爾首都加德滿都附近的柏舒柏特勒 (Pashupatinath),是當地的燒屍場。當地人超過九成是信奉印度教或佛教 ,他們以火葬為主,然後把先人骨灰散落河裡,所以燒屍場旁邊就是恆河的一支流。後面的三幀照片是攝於柏舒柏特勒附近的老人院 (Old Age Home),這裡住上的老人家都是無人照顧或是無經濟能力的。由於衛生環境及教育程度等等因素,現在尼泊爾人的平圴壽命約62歲。有些朋友到訪老人院後,感覺他們很可憐,但我看見的有所不同,也有其他想法。

(剛遇上一些印度過來的攝制隊,面對美女,大家當然忙個不停的按下快門) (柏舒柏特勒的一名 (職業) 苦行憎)(柏舒柏特勒附近的老人院)




2006年 2月11日,我還是一名渣打馬拉松的業餘戰地記者,當時的我,還只懂按全自動和勉強用上光圈先決的,甚麼快門先決或者Pan鏡也不懂,為了响應參加馬拉松比賽的朋友的呼喚,由起點到終點站,經歷了幾小時前線的比賽氣氛,受各位參加者的堅強意志所感悟,決心由零開始,跑向我人生第一次的馬拉松。


踏入2008年,多謝上天給我的考驗,令我提前受傷,天氣持續的寒冷,但這一切都完全沒有減低我參加跑步的意志,反而給我更大警覺性和專注。原來,信心的確是一股超強的動力, 加上各方好友的鼓勵和問候,更加發奮。我已準備十個月的半馬 ( 廿一公里 ) 已到達最後階段,心情有點複雜。


祝願各位在新的一年,每一方面都愈來愈進步,每一目標都愈來愈快達到,一句都尾 – 萬事勝意! 馬到功成!

(攝於 2006 年香港渣打馬拉松)


尼泊爾 – 境 (二)

朋 友,借 此 恭 祝 大 家 在 新 的 一 年
萬 事 勝 意 !
身 體 健 康 !
吉 祥 如 意 !
恭 喜 發 財 !

在 春 節 其 間 ,有 幸 遇 上 一 位 攝 影 前 輩 雷 焯 光 先 生,我 請 教 他 ,在 他 心 目 中 ,一 張 美 的 照 片 應 該 包 含 甚 麼。 他 想 也 不 想 地 立 即 回 應, 他 心 目 中 一 張 美 的 照 片 應 該 是 和 諧 的 、平 衡 的 、深 度 的 。我 正 在 思 考 他 的 說 話 的 時 候 ,雷 先 生 再 補 充 一 句 話 , 說 我 們 的 社 會 裡 不 就 是 欠 缺 了 和 諧 嗎!

朋 友,你 呢 ? 在 你 心 目 中 的 一 張 美 的 照 片 應 該 包 含 甚 麼 元 素?